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Why Virtual Health Matters to Your Teams

From our Partners at Saskatchewan Blue Cross

Managing our health requires many different tools and approaches. Just think of all the specialists available to us: pharmacists, doctors, therapists and other health practitioners.

What many have discovered during the pandemic, shares Saskatchewan Blue Cross, is that virtual health can provide a high-quality experience that may fit your needs.

Assistance Where and When You Need It

The greatest benefit of virtual health care is that it’s highly flexible to suit your specific needs.

Are you at home and don’t want to (or can’t easily) visit a healthcare professional in person? No problem. Needing support and you’re far from your doctor’s office? You’re covered.

Often, it can take time to get an appointment with a health practitioner. With virtual health consultations, many Canadians find it faster and more convenient to access virtual care.

woman on laptop

Receiving Care on Your Terms

From the comfort of your own home – or wherever you log in – virtual health can provide you with the services and trusted information you need. You can even be in your pyjamas for the appointment that is scheduled at a time and date that works for you.

Since you’re in charge of when, where and how you connect virtually with a healthcare professional, you don’t need to worry about confidential information being overheard or being seen at a clinic. That alone can make you more comfortable with virtual health care options than ever before.

Learn more about virtual health care options with Blue Cross Health Benefits.


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