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We help make wishes come true

A wish gives a sick child and their family the strength to face childhood critical illness.

At Blue Cross, we believe that every child should have the opportunity to experience the wonder of a travel wish.

As part of our commitment to building up communities, with a special focus on helping families, Blue Cross is a proud partner of Make-A-Wish Canada.

Make-A-Wish Canada logo

Wish kid Marc on the beach


Years in partnership together starting in 1989


Travel wishes already granted plus committed to


Family members covered by Blue Cross travel insurance

Help make more wishes happen

Blue Cross helps create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.

Please consider adding your support with a tax-deductible donation today.

Wish Kid Lukah in hospital bed

Wishes give sick children strength

100% of medical providers said that the wish experience improves a child’s overall quality of life.

95% of medical providers observed that wishes gave children strength to fight their critical illness.

91% of wish parents believe the wish experience gave their child a better chance of surviving their illness.

Blue Cross makes an impact

Travel wishes are approximately 65% of all wishes granted each year!

Making travel wishes come true

The critical illnesses that qualify kids for a wish often exclude them from being able to secure regular travel insurance.

Blue Cross proudly provides the necessary coverage to deliver protection from significant operational costs associated with granting wishes involving travel.

This helps Make-A-Wish Canada turn more wishes into reality!

Supporting kids and their families

Each wish provides an escape from reality, signals a return to normalcy, and provides hope for better times ahead.

Our support of Make-A-Wish provides comprehensive travel coverage so that children and their families can enjoy a worry-free vacation.

According to physicians, it can positively impact a child’s emotional, physical and mental health throughout their treatments.

Providing peace of mind along the way

Having a critical illness is a time of unimaginable stress and worry, not just for the kids themselves, but for the entire family.

In the event of any unforeseen circumstances during their travels, we’re here to help.

A recognized symbol of health care globally, Blue Cross is connected to the largest network of medical support and travel assistance around the world.

35 years strong and counting

Blue Cross partners with Make-A-Wish Canada to fulfill the dreams of children fighting critical illnesses.

We are proud to support children and their families in enjoying their dream vacations by providing the necessary travel insurance for wish trips.

As part of our ongoing commitment, in 2022 we made an additional pledge, which will help see an additional 6,000 travel wishes for 26,000 Canadian family members come true over the next few years.

Including this new commitment, Blue Cross will have supported over 30,000 travel wishes covering over 130,000 Canadian family members.

Harlyn Wish Kid

Let’s make a difference together

At Blue Cross, we strive to make an impact every day and we look forward to supporting more children and families for years to come.

Discover how you can contribute and help us to make wishes come true!

Wish kid Luke ready at the airport

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