Consumer Complaints and Resolution

At Blue Cross Life®, customer satisfaction is important, and it is our commitment to respond to complaints promptly, accurately and respectfully. We strive to provide a transparent approach to address concerns and complaints and will employ our best efforts to respond and resolve where possible. All complaints and personal information collected, whether written or oral, will be handled in a timely, professional and confidential manner. We want to make sure that concerns about our products, services or representatives, are handled fairly and efficiently.

Step 1: Let us know

First, discuss your concern with us. Many issues can be resolved by simply speaking with a customer service representative.

If your complaint involves a suspected privacy breach, please contact our Chief Privacy Officer.

Step 2: Speak with a manager or supervisor

If your concern isn’t resolved to your satisfaction in step 1, please request for a manager or supervisor to review your file.

Step 3: File a formal complaint

If you remain dissatisfied with the response, you can file a written complaint with Blue Cross Life’s Complaint Officer. Please include details of how your concern was dealt with in step 1 and step 2 and why you disagree with the outcome.

What you can expect:

Upon receipt of an escalated written complaint, your concerns will be acknowledged in writing by the Blue Cross Life Complaint Officer and an investigation into your concerns will begin.

The Complaint Investigation:

During our investigation we may:

Our response to you:

Once the investigation has been completed, you will receive a written response explaining the reasons for the decision. This is called a Final Position Letter.

Step 4: Still not satisfied?

If you continue to remain dissatisfied after following our complaint resolution process and wish to pursue your complaint, external recourse is available to you, through various consumer organizations:

® Registered Trade-mark of the Canadian Association of Blue Cross Plans, an association of independent Blue Cross Plans. TM Trade-mark of the Canadian Association of Blue Cross Plans, an association of independent Blue Cross Plans. Used under license by Blue Cross Life Insurance Company of Canada (Blue Cross Life®).

Term Life and Critical Illness Insurance products are underwritten by Blue Cross Life and distributed by PolicyMe Corp.

Canada’s Most Respected Award is conducted by DART I & C and powered by Maru Public Opinion. Results and award information are posted at